What exactly is the problem?
Just like everything else, even blood finds it more difficult to climb up from
the feet, rather than come down - in this case it is the impure blood going from the feet to the legs. While normal Veins – blood vessels that carry impure blood from legs to heart – are strong enough to push blood against gravity, with age this flow of blood becomes slow, perhaps due to loss of inherent strength of the veins. Multiple pregnancies in ladies and long hours of standing at work perhaps increase the strain on the system.

The pooling of blood in a slow moving circulation causes balloon like swelling of the veins – leading to ache, cramps and problem in
standing and working.

Rarely, bleeding may occur automatically from the high
pressure veins, which can be alarming and without apparent cause.
Why does the problem
become a suffering?
This is due to false notions about the problem, unrealistic
expectations and the reluctance for Surgery.
There is NO CURE as yet for Varicose Veins, as this will need
the persons’ genes to be modified. However, a trouble free productive life can
be enjoyed by EFFECTIVE CONTROL of the problem, which is VERY MUCH POSSIBLE. Unlike other common problems
like Diabetes OR Hypertension, where lifelong drugs are needed for good Control, in this case - timely treatment and effective use of pressure stockings
is all that is needed.
Failure to understand this problem, and the scare of a
possible Surgery, ends up with the patient repeatedly postponing the treatment.
It reaches a point where the damage becomes irreversible, as it is no longer
correctable by even the best of treatment. The person ends up with deformed,
scarred legs, and condemned to a life of misery. All this could have been
avoided by simple, effective treatment at the right time.
What does Modern
Treatment for Varicose Veins Involve?
It is a combination of:
- Evaluation by a Duplex Scan
- A procedure to block the main damaged Veins
- Leg Support by Stockings
- Touch up treatment with Sclerotherapy Injections (office Procedure).
The Duplex scan is a combination of:
- Two Dimensional Ultrasound Imaging to see structure
- Doppler Imaging to access Function: Flow of Blood
The mechanical problem of leakage needs a mechanical remedy
to close/seal off the points of leakage. Since conventional treatment for this
needed Open Surgery, Anaesthesia, and Hospitalization for a few days, many
people were put of by the scare of Surgery, leading to further delay in
effective control. People ended up taking medicines to correct the
problem, despite knowing that drugs do not have much role in either reversing
OR controlling the problem once it begins.
It involves inserting a fine Laser Fiber directly into the
leg vein under Local Anaesthesia, under real time scan using Ultrasound. The
fibre is guided to reach the points of leakage identified by other tests well
in advance. Firing the beam releases heat causing the vein to get sealed from
within, without any damage to the other tissues.
Once the weakened veins are closed, the
blood flows smoothly through adjacent normal veins – without any pooling or
it’s effects.
While leg Stockings (Pressure Garments) provide the much
needed support to avoid recurrence of the problem, they are not of much use in
the absence of Vein Blockage by Surgery/Laser. Sometimes, minor veins that
persist despite Laser Treatment may need treatment by injection of a Sclerosant
into the vein directly, as a minor procedure.
What have we done to
address this problem?
It has been seen that failure to look at the complete
picture, right in the beginning, often
leads to disappointment to the patient and loss of interest for the treating Doctor. Slow and troublesome recovery after Conventional Surgery was another reason why both Doctors and Patients were put off by the entire exercise.
leads to disappointment to the patient and loss of interest for the treating Doctor. Slow and troublesome recovery after Conventional Surgery was another reason why both Doctors and Patients were put off by the entire exercise.
Keeping this in mind, we have begun LINEA Varicose Vein Clinic, as a
Unit of LINEA COSMETIC CLINIC , to address these very issues, all under one
roof. We provide comprehensive care for Varicose Veins, with the best of
Technology and Experts, in the most accessible way.
We aim to get you back on your feet, in the shortest
possible time – Literally! We have a no-nonsense attitude, and will do all that
Modern Science can, and will not hesitate to tell you what we or Science
What all does LINEA Vein Clinic Provide?
A team involving a Plastic Surgeon,
Dermatologist and Therapist
Best of Equipment that includes:

US FDA Approved German BIOLITEC LASER Machine Philips DOPPLER Machine
- Optimum balance of Convenience and Safety
Tricky cases done in HOSPITAL, others in our CLINIC
Adequate Safety equipment including Defibrillator.
- Access: both physical and financial
Centrally Located Clinic
Support for the Needy
- Senior Plastic Surgeon who will oversee the treatment plan
- Comfortable Clinic
Consulting Room Reception Procedure Room
Few Case Results
Varicose Veins in region of GREAT SAPHENOUS VEIN
Spider Veins treated by Sclerotherapy

Few Concluding
Most people who take Comprehensive Care for Varicose Veins do not realize
how much of a toll it was taking on their lives. Only when they are rid of the trouble it was causing, are
they convinced what they were missing!
Please go through the various pages of our website with more
information on the same. If you do not follow anything that is there, or want
to know more than what you can see, please reach out to us.
Wishing you Happy Legs and a Healthy Productive Life!
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